ARTICLES OF Adrianna Michell

A New German Partner for Bolivia
21 Jun, 2018 | Adrianna Michell
Photo: Iván RodriguezThe ongoing quest for a lithium-fueled futureGerman company ACI-Systems GmbH has invested in Bolivia’s lithium processing industry with hopes to cash in on the electric car boom....

The Eat Out La Paz Food Fest Brings Music, Mood and Munchies to the City
21 Jun, 2018 | Adrianna Michell
Photos: Iván RodriguezThe Seasonal Festival Is Reinvigorating the Food SceneOn a sunny afternoon in the south of La Paz, visitors gather in Parque Bartolina Sisa in the Aranjuez neighbourhood. They’ve...

The Secret Lives of Bolivia’s Street Dogs
21 Jun, 2018 | Adrianna Michell
Photos: Adrianna MichellBasking in the sun, an unbothered boy. ‘Do you think this volcano could erupt anytime soon?’This desert dog is ready for a duel anytime. Pictured here without his cowboy hat.Lu...